Kids' Lit Quiz Team Australia
After a very long flight and not much sleep in 24 hours we landed in Durban. I think our heads had hardly hit the pillows before we were snoring happily.
After a hearty breakfast we went for a walk along the beach and a splash in the waves. The weather is gorgeous - so much warmer than Canberra winter.
Lunch was yummy and oh so cheap!
We have caught up with the other teams except two of the US team who were stranded at JFK.
6/30/2013 08:31:39 am

Wonderful photos...I wish I was there.

6/30/2013 11:20:20 am

It's 11.15 a.m. and only 5 degrees in Canberra! I feel your warmth.


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    JAnine HUDSON

    Janine is a Teacher Librarian at Canberra Grammar School and the team coach.


    June 2013